Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A New Wallpaper

I figured that most of you all are using me as your background on your computers so here is this months installment of Aleric Backgrounds.


Baby Hercules

Today I found my inner strength. Mom handed me a soda when we were at the store to keep my hands occupied (she told me to mention that it was closed, so people don't think she let's me drink soda) and I really wanted to drink some. Mommy always drinks these and she seems to like them. Well, I ripped that can in two. Every one was freaking out but I was too busy licking the sweet sugary goodness off of my fingers to notice.

baby hercules

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hiking at Manoa Falls


Here is my uncle Brandon and Daddy at Manoa Falls. This was a really fun hike, but Daddy only let me out of the hiking pack at the water falls, I really wanted to climb the bamboo in the forest. 

Sleeping at the Wheel

With all of the outdoor activities that we have been doing lately, I've been doing a lot of driving. Let me tell you, that can be very tiring.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Haircut

Wow, so after the beach yesterday I realized I needed a hair cut. I mean, come on, it shouldn't take that long for my head to dry right? So Mommy and Daddy took me out to the barber. Let me just say, this barber lures us little guys in with pretty colors and cool rides, but then pulls out the clippers of doom and seperates us from our lifes work... I shouldn't have complained about having a wet head yesterday. There is one good thing though. You should've seen the looks I was getting from the ladies.

Fun in the Sun (and Sand)

Daddy took me out into the ocean today. I really like walking around in the water. I tried to stomp on some fish but they were too fast, so I just swam around and enjoyed floating.
This is sand. I like to eat it, build with it, throw it, kick it, dig in it, roll in it... I guess there's a lot I can do with sand.

Here are some movies for all of you that haven't seen me in a while. I was swimming and playing in the sand. Man I love the beach.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Kungfu Swinging

As part of my intense training regiment, I practiced the long lost art of kick swinging. This was once practiced in the yunnan province of China as a means to defeat the evil monkey king... At least that's what Daddy said.

My Inner Botonist

Today I got to research the flexibility of tree branches. What are the chances that I would find a tree willing to give me it's lowest branch for study? This sure made my day. Soon though, I found out that grass also has interesting properties.

The Long March

I told mom that I wanted to go to the park today. She told me, "Alright, you're walking then." So then they made me walk all the way to the park.

Many men fell, but I made it. I love the park.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Baby Video Game

I finally a chance to see what my daddy sees in these things called video games. This year I got my very own for Christmas! It's a lot of fun.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Now THAT is a Good Scare

Not much to say, just watch and be scared. You never know when mommy might pop out and get you!

My Bink Compulsion and Me

For some it's washing hands, for others, it's the order of clothes in the closet... (don't worry mom, I'm not telling anyone) For me, it's BINKs. I just can't get enough of them and the moment I see one I have to put it in my mouth. It won't matter if I already have one, I don't have THAT one. Watch this video and you'll see what I mean. I hope they don't have to send me to rehab... although I hear that's where all the cool kids hang out these days.