Sunday, March 9, 2008

My First Birthday!!

Well, I woke up this morning at 7:55 and realized that I am now officially one year old. Being one has a lot of advantages, such as being able to sit facing forward in the car, eating honey, enjoying a birthday cake, etc. I also discovered that when it's your birthday, everyone is really nice to you and you get to do some really fun stuff! I'm going to tell you all about it now. Just keep reading. First thing I did was eat some breakfast, but since I do that every morning I didn't have Daddy take any pictures. Next thing I did was go to the zoo!!! That was awesome!!! Here is a slide show with a bunch of pictures from the zoo.

Now, pictures are great, but videos are better! So of course I prepared a few for all of you to enjoy.

Now it's time for cake and toys!!! This was a lot of fun. I like SUGAR!!!! I've never had so much sweet goodness at once. Mommy said to enjoy it because it will be another year until I see that much again.

And finally, I got to open all those presents that I've been watching pile up for the past couple of months. I wasn't quite sure how to open them but Mommy helped out. I really just wanted what was inside anyway, and she looked like she was having fun ripping them open for me.


This is one of my favorite new books. It is magnetic and I like to put the little animals on the pages!DSC00924 DSC00925

I think we all know what this is for.


"Mommy, can I help you? I brought my own work table!"


"Oh man! My very own castle!!"

Enjoy this slide show, it's got just about every picture we have of my 1st birthday. (OK, I've just been informed that's a fib, we have twice this many but these are my favorites. If you want to download any of these pictures click this link Download my pictures!)

Well guys, that about sums it up for this very awesome 1st birthday. Thanks for tuning in. I'll see you again same time next year!


(Dad insisted that I add this one. Mommy likes it too, probably because she did it.)

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