Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Intelligence Self Evident

This is an A, I drew it the other day when I found an unattended pen on the back of the counter. All I had to to get it was push a chair over to the counter, climb on top and reach to grab it. Then I made a mad dash to the toy room before anyone could notice.
This one may not be as clear but I found B (my favorite letter by the way) to be a little bit more complicated. I had to practice this one a lot to get it right. B says Buh by the way, and Baby starts with it, trucks say Buh buh buh buh and I call airplanes BuhBuhs because of the sound they make when they fly over head. Logically I call Helicopters Helebuhbuhs right?

And this one is very clear what it is, at least to me. I like it because my favorite animals start with it, like Duck, and Doggy.

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