Sunday, November 8, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Lego Mania
We went to the mall and discovered that there is a lego store there. Mommy wanted to look at something I have no interest in in the nearby Victoria's Secret. Needless to say, Daddy and I entertained ourselves quite nicely in the Lego store. I think Daddy is more excited about them than I am! Speaking of legos. I got Daddy a HUGE cup of legos that I hand picked for him as a Christmas gift. He was really excited and we have a lot of fun playing with them.
New Shoes
These are my new shoes as the title to this post makes pretty clear. The cool thing is that I can kick them off at will and they breath nicely even in this hot Hawaiian sun. I can also run fast in them and Daddy has a matching pair. His aren't black and red and they don't have Mater or Lightning McQueen though.
Random Fun

This is me in a bounce house on Halloween. I know it's an old picture but I just had to share the glee on my face with you all.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A Trunk or Treat
I was at a party for us kids at Daddy's work when I spotted this ring toss. I ran off and Daddy wasn't sure where I went so he ran all over and found me doing this. He snuck up behind me and filmed me having a good time with this ring toss game. I am remarkably good at it if you don't mind my saying so.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Daddy On Caffine
This is why we don't let Daddy have coffee very often. Well, I would let him have it all the time because it is a lot of fun for me but Mommy thinks it's too much work to keep up with all three of us.
Me, Yaya and Clifford
Lately I've really liked reading books about a BIG red puppy named Clifford. I showed one to Yaya and she liked them to so we plopped down on the kid couch in the play room and started reading. Well these are funny stories so we were laughing as we read and Mommy heard us, snuck up and filmed this footage of us giggling.
Ok, so everyone seems to think that I was trying to show Yaya how to say things in the book. What really happened is that I saw the camera and was saying "CHEESE!!" because that's what people do when they see cameras. Just thought I'd clear that up. I know how to say "monkey".
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Everyone knows how much I love rars. Well because of this, Mommy and Daddy were awesome enough to take me to the Land of the Rars exhibit at the Bishop Museum. I got to look at dinosaurs up close and personal. There was a T-Rex, Triceraops, Stegasaurus, Velociraptors and baby dinosaurs all over the place. I got to dig for bones with Daddy and Mommy too. There was even a place where I could run around inside of a volcano!! That was awesome. All in all, this is one awesome place and I hope we get to go back soon.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Bear Hunt 2: Complete
Tonight the battery on the camera made it through the entire bear hunt! I couldn't even contain myself this time around. I just can't wait to go through it!! I love the puppy too, he is my favorite part until we get to the bear, which is of course my favorite part of the whole book. I can't wait to watch this a hundred times!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Bear Hunt
Every night I look forward to going on a bear hunt with Daddy and Yaya! In fact, I won't go to sleep until Daddy reads it to me because I like dreaming of finding a bear each night. Mommy told me that she was dreaming of me finding a bear last night too. I love it when Daddy says we have to go "THROUGH IT!!!!" because then I know that I get to make the book move. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do.
This is such a good book. I recommend it to anyone like me. Here it is.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Training Yaya
Yaya is getting pretty good at running around the house, but just walking from place to place isn't enough if she wants to be known as my little sister. Nope, she needs to know how to jump, spin and climb with the best of them for that prestigious title. This is why I have taken it upon myself to train her acrobatic skills up. Daddy thought this little exercise was cute and recorded it.
As you can see, she enjoys spinning until she is too dizzy to stand up so we're going to have to work on her focus. She also needs some work on her jump height, but I know her heart is in it so getting air will soon follow.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Pumpkin Painting
I've heard people talk about pumpkin carving but I've never heard talk of pumpkin painting before. This was what Mommy let me do the other day. It was a lot of fun to work my creative juices and make something nice to look at for our front door. I got some on myself too, but not enough and it came off disappointingly easy.
Shopping With Yaya
Lately I've been trying to encourage Yaya's independence. Here I am helping her walk with Daddy and me through the store. Mommy thought it was cute enough to warrant taking a picture and it looks like the girl in the background was less than pleased to be caught in the shot.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Man Purse?!

My Grandma just sent me this awesome bag for carrying my cars, wonkies (Mommy:monkeys) and puppies in. It is pretty cool and I just couldn't wait to show it off to you all when I got home. Mommy always has one and I steal it when I can but now I have my own, but better because it's my size!
Firetruck Driver
I was good in the store so I could ride the fire truck when we left. I climbed in and guess what? Yaya climbed in after me! I didn't want to share the seat but Daddy assured me that I would be driving and she just wanted to ride along. That was true, but when Daddy busted out the camera to snap some shots of me being a heroic firetruck driver, Yaya kept hogging the camera. I was a little bummed but decided to share the pics with you all anyways.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Clean Cake Consumption
I am two and a half now. I used to be into the whole smearing my food all over the place scene but these days I like to keep it clean. I stick to simple utensils like the fork to accomplish this task.

As you can see, the effects are quite remarkable. I ate all the cake I wanted and only a few crumbs around my mouth betray my actions. :)

As you can see, the effects are quite remarkable. I ate all the cake I wanted and only a few crumbs around my mouth betray my actions. :)
Castle Cake Scrub Down
When the little ones got dirty enjoying the cake Mommy and Daddy had put together for Yaya, it became clear that a bath was in order. So Mommy ran one while I kept the little ladies in line downstairs. Then I sat in just to supervise and show them the right way to get clean. I mean, I have been at this a bit longer than they have, right?!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Me and Yaya Selling Vegan Hotdogs
We had to go get Daddy's picture taken for his passport and on the way into the store I noticed a hotdog truck with the keys still in it. Daddy said that if I was good while we waited for the pictures that I could take it for a spin. I was good for 45 minutes while we looked around the store at all the things I wanted and couldn't have right now. I didn't throw a single fit because I couldn't wait to take the truck for a drive, try my hand at the old hotdog peddling trade. When we finally made it out to the truck I made a beeline for it so no one else could snatch it before I did and then waited for my partner in, umm... business, to climb in beside me. Then we took off and had a great time cruising around together.
A Rainy Day
I was trying to use the potty the other day and I heard it raining outside so I asked Daddy if I could go look at it when I was done. He conceded and Yaya joined us in her diaper. It was about 80 degrees and 100+% humidity out before any of you start thinking that I should have been wearing more than a diaper. I love rainy days and this was a good chance for Auria to try out her knew walking skills.
Before long, the sound of our fun filled splashing in the rapidly forming puddles lured our friend Harbear outside to join us. She was wearing more than a diaper but that didn't last long once we got inside since her clothes were soaked. So we all made the best of some weather that I keep hearing grown ups complain about. I don't know what their problem is.
Dancing To My Own Rythm
Everyone was hanging out and it seemed as though things were winding down. Instead of just going to bed like everyone wanted me to I decided to show them how to have some fun dancing instead. They got into it pretty quick and started requesting certain performances from past shows. I hope you all enjoy it as much as we did.
A Day At The Jumpy
Dad and I spent a week together when Mommy was away visiting her family. It was AWESOME!! We went to the aquarium, rode our bike to the jumpy twice, went swimming, played at the park, watched cars 15 times, fought roarses and bitares, learned how to poo in the potty and ate lots of pizza and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I'd have to say it was a good time. This video was taken while we were at the jumpy together the week before but it just reminded me of the times Daddy took me out there. As you can see, I didn't want to be video taped in the above video.
This game is the most fun I've ever had for a quarter. It's especially fun when it's someone else's quarter though. All you have to do is hit these rars on the head when they pop out and growl. I love it because they yell 'OWW!' and then pop back into their holes. I played about $8 in quarters with a new friend when Daddy and I went out there.
This is what I like to call a ride. Daddy has a ride in the garage but I can't climb on it, so when I saw this one with no one looking, I couldn't help myself. I guess Daddy was looking because here it is on video, but I didn't see him. I can't wait until I'm old enough to drive my own ride.
Dual Purpose Luggage
Daddy was talking about going away for a pretty long time so Yaya and I decided to slip into his luggage when he wasn't looking. It turns out that suitcases make a pretty good bed if your our size. I heard Mommy saying something about not needing to lug a pack and play along next time we go somewhere.
Battle Wounds
I received these battle wounds, which I think give me a distinguished warrior look really, while Daddy was away. I like to tell people I was hit by a train which always gives them crazy images of a speeding train running me down. I'm going to say that to everyone and when I they ask how I survived I'll just flex my biceps and smile... Yeah, that'll work.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Nummy Yummy
I just had my first experience with corn on the cob. I must say, that is really really good! Makes me wish I lived somewhere you can buy it. Mommy and Daddy just found out that they sell it up on North Shore, but that is so far away. You can't just buy it in the store like you can with nannas and juice. Lucky for us, Dezzy brought some over last night.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Bouncing and Bugs
This is the slide that you have seen me ride before. It is the best part of the bounce house place. Hayley really loves to jump too, so we had a lot of fun together. There would be pictures of her, but she is a little camera shy.
Daddy and Hayley finally finished their two hour yeeaw ride and we went to pick them up. It turns out I was the one who got picked up! I got to ride a yeeaw too! I had no idea that they were so tall. They are taller than Mommy! It is a little scary up there in the yeeaw seat, but I like it anyways.
The Temple of Fish
I love to ride on shoulders. It is the best way to get around due to the view and the ergonomic seating position. Hayley's shoulders were a bit smaller than the ones that I'm used to riding on, but they were just as nice.
Mommy told me to ring the bell, I was a little nervous because this bell was 20 times bigger than she is. It sure does sound cool when you ring it though.
Mommy told me to ring the bell, I was a little nervous because this bell was 20 times bigger than she is. It sure does sound cool when you ring it though.
Hula Grill
I love breakfast. I love being outside. Imagine how happy I am doing both at the same time. You might also notice that small white pitcher in the front of the picture. That contained creamer for the coffee no one ordered. Since no one was using it... I drank it. Ok, so that was a really bad idea. One that made me embarrass myself that night with explosive results. This just served to remind everyone why I drink soy milk.
A Broken Fire Truck
I got into the fire truck, Daddy put in the quarters and I sat... and sat... Well, I guess it doesn't work. Too bad we can't get the quarters back for another one. The jet was broken too. I was really good in the store just so I could ride and they let me down.
Lap Sharing
Once again, pushed off on to the couch. I'm trying to be strong and smile, but I miss having laps to myself.
Shutter Shades in a Dark Room
I snagged these sunglasses from Brandon. I wanted to show him how goofy they look but ended up looking cute so of course out came the camera. Oh yeah, and in case you missed it, that's Nemo, my favourite and best friend.
Green Monsters!
I'm not sure what the significance of this is, but Daddy asked me to hold it to my head for "scale". He also asked me to tell you that this is an avocado.
Mud Running
We had just arrived at the trail in this picture. I was very excited to get hiking as soon as possible, but the big people were dragging their feet!

We had barely begun the hike when I discovered large puddles of water... with mud at the bottom. At first Mommy fought my urges to run through them and tried to get me to around them. As the above image clearly shows... I won.
So I noticed soon after walking up to the door, that it didn't smell very friendly. I wasn't so sure that I should go potty in there.

Me and My Mommy!
We had visitors last week and did a lot while they were here. My favorite thing we did was when we went to the Dole Pineapple factory. I liked it so much because I got to ride a train for 20 minutes and eat pineapple. I bet you can guess which part was my favorite. The picture with me smiling really big is when I'm on the train. I really love trains, or as they should be known "Woo Woos"
Friday, July 10, 2009
I got to watch my favorite movie about vrooms today. I know they're called cars, but it's way more fun to call them vrOOOMmms. You should try it some time.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A "Fun" Day
I love trains, I especially love the sound they make. Tonight when we went to the mall I spotted these GIGANTIC insects and a me sized train! That must be just about the coolest combination of random things I have ever seen in my life! First though, we went to the giant bounce house place. I got to run around and bounce as much as I wanted! All of the other kids were really nice too. This one you see in the video below was my favorite bounce house. I love how fast I went when I came down the slide!
So after the bounce place, Mommy went and got massage, whatever that is, it sounded pretty boring. While Mommy was getting a massage, Daddy took me back to the train and bought me a ticket. He let me hold it but we had to wait 20 MINUTES!!!! I thought I was going to explode if I didn't get to ride the train quick and just when I thought the pressure of waiting was going to turn me into a cloud of dust, they opened the gate and let me get into the train. First Daddy strapped me in and then he went outside the gate so I could enjoy the ride by myself. I figured out that the more I made train noises, the faster it went! So you can bet that I made a lot of train noises. I even got some of the other kids and the driver lady to make them with me. I must say, this was a good day.
New Clothes

My GGma sent me a set of clothes today, they fit really well and Mommy and Daddy think they look really good on me. All I know is that all the little ladies were wanting to hang out with me at the bounce house tonight, do you think it's because I look so good? On the subject of looks, I went to the barber with Daddy today but there were about 45 people waiting already so we decided to go early this weekend. Daddy keeps telling me I have a beetle's hair style. I don't even know what that means...
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